30-Days Water Challenge


To drink at least 8-glasses of water everyday for 30-days.


We are 60% water, yet most of us are dehydrated most of the time. So why not take the advantage of this elixir of life? Practicing good habits will bring about something good in your life. And now that I'm done with the challenge myself, I can say that it's really worth it.


  1. Calculate your daily requirement of water (method described in blog linked below) or start with the 8-glasses per day rule.
  2. Make sure you reach your goal everyday. Check out how I made sure I drink enough water in my post linked below. (+free printable below, to make it easier for you to remember).


  1. Flushes out toxins.
  2. Radiant skin.
  3. Headache cure
  4. Digestive problem cure
  5. Increased metabolism
  6. Increased energy.
  7. Weight loss......and many more!

Take the challenge and take that first step to wellness!

Useful Resources on Water and 30-Days Water Challenge:
How I Make Sure I Get Enough Water Everyday.
30-Days Water Challenge: My Experience and Findings

You can also use this printable if you have difficulty remembering how much water you drank, and how much more to go. It's free, no email required.

30-Days Water Challenge Printable. Click and Save.

If you do take part, let me know how it goes. You can find me on social media:
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest

If you have any questions regarding this challenge, leave it down below in the comment section.

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